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Police intensify border controls in Suðurnes, Iceland, denying entry to 581 individuals

Wednesday 28th 2024 on 08:38 in  

The police in Suðurnes, Iceland, have significantly intensified border control measures. Since the introduction of stricter immigration laws in 2022, authorities have denied entry to 581 individuals at both external and internal borders, representing an increase of 822% from previous years. This figure surpasses the total number of expulsions recorded from 2010 to 2022 combined.

According to Úlfar Lúðvíksson, the chief of police in Suðurnes, the increase is attributed to a focused effort on immigration enforcement. Expulsions occur when individuals cannot demonstrate valid reasons for their stay, such as lacking sufficient funds or failing to present legitimate travel purposes. Many of those denied entry have been attempting to engage in illegal work or are linked to criminal organizations.

Lúðvíksson stated that the police keep a close watch on individuals with potential ties to organized crime and those intending to engage in prostitution. He mentioned that many who are turned away come from outside Schengen countries and frequently present themselves as tourists, but are often unable to provide adequate financial proof or coherent travel plans.

The police chief indicates that this robust policy change reflects a tightening of border control that began when he assumed his role in 2020. With the backing of the National Commissioner of Police and the Ministry of Justice, Lúðvíksson intends to continue reinforcing border security measures as part of these ongoing efforts.

(via ruv.is)