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Raja questions integration of Muslims in Norway’s society

Tuesday 27th 2024 on 21:54 in  

Abid Raja, a former Minister of Culture and Equality in Norway, expresses skepticism about the effectiveness of increased tolerance and time in integrating Muslims into Norwegian society. In a recent opinion piece, he argues that fundamental values within Islam conflict with Western norms, citing issues such as the prohibition of homosexuality, extramarital sex, abortion, and blasphemy as significant barriers.

Raja questions whether progress has been made over the past 50 years and doubts that time alone will remedy the situation. During a recent debate, he confronted Linda Noor, the director of a minority political think tank, and Najma Ahmed, a deputy leader of the Socialist Youth, both of whom identify as Muslims. While Raja posits that Islam threatens Western values, Ahmed counters by sharing her experience of growing up in a Muslim community that emphasized tolerance and compassion.

Ahmed acknowledges feelings of alienation among minority youth but argues that the narrative surrounding them often perpetuates division. Raja highlights how social control once exerted by family has shifted to peers, particularly in schools with a high proportion of students from minority backgrounds, leading to a lack of opportunity for cultural integration.

The discussion reveals contrasting views on how to address the challenges faced by Muslim youth. Ahmed advocates for more nuanced solutions such as social housing policies, while Raja maintains that the Islamic value system often clashes with Western ideals, particularly concerning women’s rights.

Critics of Raja’s stance, including Noor, assert that his rhetoric is overly simplistic and potentially fuels fear of Muslims in Europe. Noor points out that studies indicate Muslim youth are increasingly integrating into the broader societal fabric, a trend that she believes undermines Raja’s alarmist perspective. Despite differing opinions, Raja remains concerned about the trajectory of integration in Norway and calls for immediate action.

(via nrk.no)