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Sweden’s Social Democrats unveil working group results amid internal criticism

Tuesday 27th 2024 on 18:58 in  

On Tuesday, Sweden’s Social Democrats presented the results of their working groups, which have been active since spring 2023. The goal is to propose policies that can guide the party in upcoming elections. However, the approach has faced internal criticism.

Some party members argue that the working groups primarily highlight the failures of the current government rather than offering solutions to improve Social Democrat policies. A former senior party figure expressed concern that the party is leaning too heavily towards critiquing the government without focusing on establishing their own agenda, suggesting a lack of self-reflection and deep analysis of past mistakes.

Payam Moula, editor-in-chief of a Social Democrat publication, emphasized that significant changes are necessary for the party moving forward, especially under the leadership of Magdalena Andersson. He warned that the Social Democrats cannot maintain the same platform in 2026 as they had in 2022.

One of the most discussed proposals involves reducing the workweek to 35 hours. This initiative, led by Annika Strandhäll, has garnered skepticism from party leadership, with claims that the proposal’s visibility has not been well-received.

Irene Wennemo, a former secretary of state at the Ministry of Employment, remarked that implementing a general reduction in working hours could be challenging and costly, similar to the current government’s promises regarding nuclear energy. She cautioned that the working groups may generate unrealistic proposals and warned that overly ambitious campaign promises could strain relationships with labor market partners and employers.

(via svt.se)