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Vocational education satisfaction increases amid funding cuts in Finland

Tuesday 27th 2024 on 15:08 in  

A recent survey, Amisbarometri, reveals that satisfaction among vocational students regarding the quality of education has consistently increased over the years. The survey results are released biennially.

However, Suvituuli Lundmark, a representative from the Finnish Union of Vocational Students (Sakki ry), expressed concerns about the potential halt of this positive trend due to ongoing cuts to vocational education funding. The government has decided to implement €100 million in education cuts, which will affect further education for those who have completed vocational or higher education degrees, set to take effect in 2025. Furthermore, the Ministry of Education and Culture is expected to present a legislative proposal on vocational education funding to Parliament in the autumn of 2024.

The organization believes the survey’s positive results contradict the media’s portrayal of vocational education and emphasizes that the value of vocational students should be better represented in news coverage. Sakki ry’s chairman, Patrik Tanner, remarked that vocational students significantly contribute to society, yet this is often overlooked in media representations.

Lundmark also highlighted concerns regarding the lack of changes in feelings of safety among students. Despite years of raising awareness about security issues in schools, she noted that no actions have been taken to address these concerns. This situation is particularly troubling as some vocational students are obligated to complete their training, yet their safety cannot be guaranteed.

“Inappropriate treatment occurs from both students and teachers,” Lundmark stated, asserting that this situation requires urgent attention. The Amisbarometri survey gathered responses from 15,580 students, of which 66% were under 20 years old.

(via yle.fi)