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Iceland’s Minister Alfreðsdóttir raises concerns over visitor counting inadequacies at Vatnajökull National Park

Tuesday 27th 2024 on 13:38 in  

Lilja Alfreðsdóttir, Iceland’s Minister of Tourism, has expressed serious concerns regarding the inadequacy of visitor counting at Vatnajökull National Park. After a government meeting, she stated, “The counting was not even clear, and this is unacceptable to me.” A decision was made to form a working group comprising leaders from four ministries: the Prime Minister’s Office, Tourism, Environment, and Justice.

Alfreðsdóttir questioned why the risk assessment from the Icelandic Institute of Natural History was not considered when the national park issued permits for three companies to transport tourists to ice caves in Breiðamerkurjökull during the summer. She pointed out a 2017 report warning against such tours, emphasizing the need to investigate why this report was overlooked when permits were granted.

Magnús Tumi Guðmundsson, a professor in geophysics and a co-author of the report, clarified that it presented a clear risk level using a color system: green for low risk and red for high risk where activities should not occur. Alfreðsdóttir stated that there are authorities in place to restrict these tours, saying, “The national park has them,” and called for a careful review of why such measures were not enforced.

She assured that the government takes this matter very seriously and has tasked the working group to deliver their findings as soon as possible. The emphasis on safety and compliance with regulations underlines the administration’s commitment to protecting both tourists and Iceland’s natural environment.

(via ruv.is)