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Boys rescued after sand collapse at Nørre Vorupør beach in Thy, Denmark

Tuesday 27th 2024 on 12:08 in  

On Sunday afternoon, two boys, aged 9 and 12, were trapped under massive clumps of sand at Nørre Vorupør beach in Thy, Denmark, after a section of dunes collapsed while they were playing. Rescue leader Benny Bak, who has served in the area for 35 years, described the overwhelming weight of the sand, estimating each clump at half a ton. Despite efforts from a 15-member rescue team, the sand would not budge.

Bak, who spoke with a distinct Northern Jutland dialect, recounted the urgency of the situation, feeling increasingly frustrated as time passed without success. “It was a strange feeling to just keep going,” he shared, reflecting on the emotional toll of the incident.

After a colleague suggested using a tractor and a wire, they managed to shift the sand and uncover the boys. Bak has witnessed many harrowing situations during his career, but he expressed that encountering children in such peril felt particularly heart-wrenching.

At 3:55 PM, emergency services were alerted that the boys were trapped. Bak had just seen them playing on the same beach moments before the collapse and had warned them about the dangers of digging into the sandy brim.

Forty minutes after the rescue began, the boys were freed, with rescuers quickly performing first aid. They were airlifted to Skejby Hospital as paramedics worked to stabilize their condition. As of Tuesday morning, their status remained uncertain, and Bak expressed deep concern for their parents. “We did what we could. It’s terrible for their families,” he said, grappling with the weight of the tragedy. He noted with a heavy heart, “We have to hope for better outcomes next time, but there will likely be a next time.”

(via dr.dk)