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Rakli updates roadmap to reduce carbon emissions through urban densification in Finland

Tuesday 27th 2024 on 12:03 in  

The professional real estate owners and developers organization, Rakli, has updated its roadmap aimed at achieving low carbon emissions. The updated findings indicate that urban densification, rather than new construction, can significantly reduce emissions and enhance biodiversity.

According to the report, urban densification and repurposing existing buildings could decrease emissions by as much as 42% compared to new construction. The European Union’s revised Energy Efficiency Directive for buildings aims for a zero-emission building stock by 2050. The utilization and functional alteration of vacant office spaces in the capital region has been highlighted as a sensible approach for reducing emissions.

This update comes at a pertinent time, as the EU is urging its member states to enhance energy efficiency. The revised directive, which came into effect in late May, requires member states to formulate national renovation plans outlining measures for achieving zero emissions in their current building stocks by 2050. The Ministry of the Environment has begun implementing this directive.

Rakli’s assessment shows that incrementally adding to existing buildings can reduce emissions by 15% compared to new constructions, while complementary constructions can decrease emissions by 36%. The optimal outcome is achieved through repurposing properties, raising emission reductions to 42%. The report notes that urban densification could positively impact biodiversity, preserving green areas and enhancing urban ecological diversity.

As of early 2024, there was a significant amount of vacant office space in the capital region, with about 990,000 square meters, or 15.5% of all office spaces, remaining unused. The report advocates for the repurposing of these empty spaces, emphasizing that utilizing existing foundations and structures is an effective strategy for emission reduction. The update on low-carbon roadmaps for different sectors is scheduled to be included in Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s government program in the spring of 2024.

(via yle.fi)