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Finland’s ambassador to Russia navigates diplomatic challenges as tenure concludes

Tuesday 27th 2024 on 11:53 in  

Antti Helanterä, Finland’s ambassador to Russia, has frequently found himself in challenging diplomatic situations during his tenure, which will conclude at the end of August. He notes that Russia often employs the “note,” a formal written communication, to address various issues, sometimes even minor ones. Another method used is inviting ambassadors for a formal discussion, which Helanterä describes as a serious diplomatic action.

A notable instance occurred in April 2022 when Russia summoned Helanterä over a seemingly trivial matter: Finnish customs had intercepted art pieces being returned from Italy to Russia. This was linked to the enforcement of sanctions against Russia following its invasion of Ukraine. Helanterä described the situation, stating that Russia questioned why the art was not being returned.

In December of the same year, Finnish Defense Minister Antti Häkkänen was in Washington, signing a defense cooperation agreement with the U.S., accompanied by Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen. Helanterä said that Russia responded by summoning him again, alleging that Finland was escalating tensions along its border with Russia by signing the agreement. During the meeting, he reminded Russian officials that Finland likely would have remained neutral if not for Russia’s aggressive actions and demands for security guarantees.

When contacted by the Russian Foreign Ministry, Helanterä often received short notice, with meetings usually arranged for the same or the following day. He communicated these developments to Helsinki and prepared Finland’s stance on potential discussion topics. Although some subjects could be anticipated, others were surprising. He recounted that despite the serious nature of discussions, the tone remained respectful, reflecting Finland’s commitment to a diplomatic approach, even when faced with tough accusations.

(via yle.fi)