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Research focuses on origin of cold sea current near Bankarennuni in Iceland

Tuesday 27th 2024 on 09:43 in  
Faroe Islands

Research will now focus on the origin of the cold sea current flowing west from the Bankarennuni.

According to Havstovan, the Icelandic Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, the American research vessel Neil Armstrong has been conducting nine oceanographic surveys on the seabed north of the Iceland Ridge in recent days.

These surveys involve lines drawn between significant depressions on the seabed and a float that reaches depths of up to 100 meters.

Havstovan has urged vessels to exercise caution in the area near the Icelandic border. Specialized scientific equipment has been navigating these lines twice a day for measurement purposes.

The measurements are part of a larger project known as UFO. Additionally, the research vessel Jákup Sverri is establishing a survey, although it will be positioned deep enough to prevent any risk of interference with trawling activities.

(via kvf.fo)