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Weather forecast indicates mild conditions and haze from wildfires in Reykjavik, Iceland

Tuesday 27th 2024 on 09:03 in  

Due to a minor high-pressure system over the region, there are light winds and intermittent sunshine across many areas. However, a small low-pressure system is moving east from the southwest, bringing northern winds and slight rain to the southern coastline. Tonight, the low will move to the southeast, shifting winds to the north, resulting in rain in the eastern parts while conditions will calm down in the west.

Tomorrow, expect light northern winds and some intermittent rain in various regions, although the west is likely to remain mostly dry. Overall, the weather will remain mild during the day, especially in the southern areas.

In addition, there is significant haze and pollution from wildfires affecting the Reykjanes Peninsula and the capital region today. The Icelandic Meteorological Office advises sensitive individuals to keep windows closed and to stay indoors if possible.

(via ruv.is)