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Swedish government proposes increase in fossil fuel reduction obligation to 10%

Tuesday 27th 2024 on 09:03 in  

During a recent press conference attended by key ministers, the Swedish government announced a proposed increase in the reduction obligation for fossil fuels, shifting from the current 6% to 10%. The ministers present included Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson, Energy and Business Minister Ebba Busch, Climate and Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari, and the Sweden Democrats’ environmental spokesman Martin Kinnunen.

The reduction obligation aims to minimize greenhouse gas emissions from specific fossil fuels by incorporating biofuels. The previous requirement stood at 30.5% for diesel and 7.8% for gasoline. The government’s prior decision to lower the reduction obligation was met with significant criticism, as it was anticipated to increase carbon dioxide emissions and jeopardize Sweden’s compliance with both EU and national climate objectives.

The recent agreement reached in the government’s budget negotiations marks a reversal from its earlier stance of reducing the obligation. This shift has raised questions regarding its implications for consumers, particularly concerning fuel costs.

As Sweden navigates its energy policies, the debate surrounding the reduction obligation continues to underscore the challenges of balancing economic and environmental priorities in the face of public scrutiny and climate targets.

(via svt.se)