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Seismic activity intensifies on Reykjanes Peninsula amid volcanic eruptions in Iceland

Tuesday 27th 2024 on 08:08 in  

Seismic activity continues on the Reykjanes Peninsula, with significant gas emissions currently being reported. Dense volcanic gas and smoke are noticeable due to eruptions at the Sundhnúkur craters. The Icelandic Meteorological Office is advising vulnerable individuals to close their windows and stay indoors.

The haze and ash have affected areas including South Iceland, the Reykjanes Peninsula, and the capital region. According to natural hazard expert Johanna Malen Skúladóttir, current dispersion forecasts indicate that gas pollution is primarily traveling westward toward Svartsengi and parts of the Reykjanes Peninsula, particularly affecting Hafnarfjörður.

By afternoon, the wind is expected to shift toward the north, directing the pollution over Grindavík. While the volcanic haze may be detectable in southwest Iceland and potentially in southern regions, it is not believed to present a hazardous level, according to Skúladóttir.

Eruption activity has remained relatively stable through the night, with vigorous plume activity noted. There are no indications that the strength of the eruptions is diminishing, although the intensity of wildfires in the region has lessened compared to yesterday. Skúladóttir has described the plumes as more stable than in previous weeks, with these eruptions being the most powerful since seismic activities commenced last autumn. A few minor earthquakes have been recorded near the eruption sites overnight, with standard seismic activity observed across the country.

(via ruv.is)