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Raakkumetsä fundraising campaign sees surge in donations after mussel die-off in Hukkajoki River

Tuesday 27th 2024 on 06:48 in  

The Raakkumetsä fundraising campaign by the Natural Heritage Foundation has reached unprecedented levels following a mass die-off of the freshwater mussels in the Hukkajoki River. Launched two years ago, the campaign struggled for a long time with weak donations. However, in the wake of recent events, a surge of contributors has emerged.

“Donations have been pouring in over the weekend. We received over 600 individual contributions through our online platform. Additionally, we have seen numerous bank transfers to the foundation’s account, and they keep coming,” explains Juho Hakkarainen, the foundation’s communications director. He notes that often it takes a wake-up call for people to realize the importance of conserving such species.

The Natural Heritage Foundation, based in Hämeenlinna, plans to extend the campaign, originally set to conclude in late September. Currently, discussions are underway regarding potential locations in Southern Finland where these mussels have been found, with decisions expected this fall.

“Securing a conservation area for the Raakkumetsä would be a significant achievement. The situation for mussels in the south is considerably worse, but negotiations are ongoing. We hope to share positive news soon,” says Hakkarainen.

Land in southern Finland is particularly expensive, and as of fall 2023, the campaign had raised just over €11,000 — insufficient for meaningful action, according to Anneli Jussila, the foundation’s conservation director.

Concerns over the fate of this critically endangered species have sparked a strong response from donors. Some have even suggested that Stora Enso should consider getting involved, as they own areas where these mussels reside and could potentially contribute to the conservation efforts.

(via yle.fi)