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Police uncover criminal ties in Sweden’s HVB and SIS care systems

Monday 26th 2024 on 23:23 in  

A report previously classified as confidential has revealed substantial issues within Sweden’s HVB (Home for Care and Treatment) and SIS (Specialized Home) systems. Police have now disclosed information from this report in a recent press release.

The investigation found that some HVB homes are operated by criminal organizations and staffed by individuals linked to these networks. Between January and November of last year, authorities recorded 2,865 incidents of escape and deviation from SIS and HVB homes. The police estimate that one in ten of these deviations results in serious violent crimes.

Peter Allheim, a commissioner at Noa, emphasized the gravity of the situation, stating, “To revoke children’s fundamental rights to freedom of movement and place them in institutions that not only lack proper care programs but are even run by serious criminals is extremely serious. This risks leaving some children in worse condition than when they were placed in HVB facilities.”

The findings spotlight significant concerns regarding the safety and effectiveness of care provided to vulnerable youth within these institutions.

(via svt.se)