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Swedish students with neuropsychiatric impairments face educational challenges, warns Riksförbundet Attention

Monday 26th 2024 on 21:33 in  

Approximately 10% of students in Swedish schools have some form of neuropsychiatric functional impairment (NPF), such as ADHD, autism, or language disorders, according to the Special Educational Support Authority. Riksförbundet Attention is now warning that many students with NPF diagnoses are falling behind in school and are not receiving the support they need.

“The help often comes too late in Swedish schools,” said Anki Sandberg, the organization’s chairperson. “The most assistance is provided in secondary school, but we, along with many parents, believe support should be available as soon as students begin experiencing difficulties, such as falling behind or feeling significant reluctance to attend school, often leading to high absenteeism.”

A recent survey conducted by Attention, which gathered responses from over 3,400 guardians of students with NPF diagnoses, revealed that children find teaching, school tasks, and social interactions with peers to be the most challenging aspects of school. Many are reluctant to attend and become what is termed “school refusers.” The survey indicates that eight out of ten students with NPF experience high levels of absenteeism.

“We see this issue increasing year after year, affecting younger ages. The challenges in schools arise much earlier than before, which is a serious warning sign. We must intervene and support students as soon as problems begin to emerge to prevent them from worsening,” cautioned Sandberg.

Attention emphasizes the need for increased resources for schools and calls for national statistics that track how well students with NPF are meeting educational goals. They argue for transitioning from compulsory school attendance to compulsory education, placing greater responsibility on schools to effectively educate every student, rather than solely on parents.

(via svt.se)