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New approach reduces antipsychotic medication usage at Egvad Care Home in Tarm, Denmark

Monday 26th 2024 on 18:58 in  

Addressing the needs of individuals with dementia who cannot articulate their frustrations or needs can be challenging. Traditionally, care homes have relied on antipsychotic medications to manage agitation, with one in five dementia patients receiving this treatment, despite significant risks including increased mortality associated with these drugs.

However, a new approach has been initiated at Egvad Care Home in Tarm, Denmark, following a visit from the Danish Health Authority’s dementia support team. By adopting a set of simple tools, staff have gained better insight into the emotional states of residents, leading to a 40% reduction in antipsychotic medication usage. Out of 11 residents with dementia, five have been completely taken off the medications, and fewer are being prescribed them.

A key instrument in this new strategy is the “well-being jar,” which categorizes residents’ states into three colors—green indicating good well-being, yellow representing early signs of distress, and red denoting increased distress. Staff discuss residents’ well-being daily, allowing them to proactively address potential issues before they escalate.

In addition, a concept referred to as “the flower” identifies five essential psychological needs that must be met for residents to feel secure, helping staff to tailor their care approaches.

This shift is part of a nationwide initiative, aiming to halve the use of antipsychotic medications for dementia patients by 2025. By focusing on the personal histories and life values of individuals, caregivers can build trust and improve the overall quality of life for residents. Successes have also been recorded at other facilities, such as a care center on Bornholm, where the use of calming medications has significantly decreased. Staff engagement and understanding of residents’ backgrounds have led to better outcomes, including fewer incidents of violence and higher levels of resident satisfaction.

(via dr.dk)