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Koltt Sámi community celebrates 75 years of resettlement with events in Sevettijärvi, Neiden, Keväjärvi, and Nellim

Monday 26th 2024 on 18:53 in  

The Koltt Sámi community celebrated their 75-year resettlement history last weekend in various locations including Sevettijärvi, Neiden in Norway, Keväjärvi, and Nellim. The resettlement began after World War II when their traditional lands became part of the former Soviet Union. The weekend festivities culminated in a gathering in Nellim, where community members convened.

Veikko Feodoroff, a representative of the Koltt Sámi, expressed his delight at the turnout of young people. “The best part is seeing how the youth are engaging and claiming their space within our community. It gives us hope,” he remarked.

The community’s former reindeer herding chairman, Matti Semenoff, also celebrated the involvement of the youth. Traditionally, these resettlement celebrations have been held every ten years, but it has now been decided to host them every five years, a change Semenoff welcomes.

The event attracted many families, featuring various performances, including a rap group from Sevettijärvi that raps in the Kolt Sámi language. Additionally, Metropolitan Kleopas of the Scandinavian Orthodox Church presented an icon to the Koltt Sámi.

Emma Krupula, an active volunteer during the festivities, noted that such gatherings foster a strong sense of community among the Koltt Sámi. Former Chair of the Sámi Parliament, Tiina Sanila-Aikio, was also present to witness the celebrations.

The festivities included traditional music and dance, with participants showcasing their cultural heritage. The event was held in conjunction with the pilgrimage of St. Trifon of Petsamo, emphasizing the blend of cultural and spiritual elements within the Koltt Sámi community.

(via yle.fi)