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Volcanic activity persists at Sundhnúksgígar near Stóra-Skógfell despite reduced intensity

Monday 26th 2024 on 16:08 in  

A significant amount of volcanic activity continues at the Sundhnúksgígar, north of Stóra-Skógfell, despite a decrease in intensity since the eruption began on Thursday evening. Many people flocked to the eruption site near Sýlingarfell this morning, with onlookers of all ages, from retirees to small children, exploring the lava field.

The access from Grindavíkurvegi is quite challenging, yet approximately one hundred individuals made their way to the area, spurred on by favorable weather conditions. Reports indicate that many have congregated in Grindavík, where additional support efforts were initiated earlier today.

While rescue operations are ongoing at Breiðamerkurjökull, local authorities are facing complaints from nature conservation groups regarding deforestation permits in the municipality of Norðurþing. Meanwhile, concerns continue to mount about the health risks associated with ongoing eruptions and other environmental issues, such as groundwater pollution in Borgarfjörður eystri.

As the situation develops, there have been multiple reports of potential hazards tied to the proximity of volcanic activities, underscoring the need for vigilance among residents and visitors alike. A special broadcast has also been arranged to address current developments and potential evacuations due to the ongoing volcanic threat.

(via ruv.is)