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Stora Enso CEO addresses endangered mussel crisis in Hukkajoki, Suomussalmi

Monday 26th 2024 on 15:53 in  

During a press conference in Oulu, Stora Enso’s CEO Hans Sohlström addressed the situation concerning endangered freshwater mussels, known as “raakku,” in Hukkajoki, Suomussalmi. Thousands of these mussels died when forestry machines operated by Stora Enso’s contractor disrupted their habitat, which is the river, estimated by Metsähallitus to have occurred more than 400 times. The displaced soil has spread widely with the flowing water. The mussels, which thrive in clean water, suffocate when buried under silt and sand.

Local police are investigating the incident as a serious breach of environmental protection laws. On Monday, they announced that they are beginning to piece together the events leading up to this disaster, although no interrogations related to the case have been conducted yet. The Kainuu ELY Center sent instructions to landowners and Stora Enso in mid-May, stating, among other things, that the river should not be crossed. According to Sari Myllyoja, the head of the environmental and natural resources division at Kainuu ELY Center, there has been no response to this message, which is typical for such communications.

Restoration work is currently underway at Hukkajoki, with about 4,000 mussels being relocated upstream during the rescue efforts that began a week ago. However, Eero Moilanen, an expert in Metsähallitus’s nature services, expressed concerns about the diminishing safe habitats upstream. The damage caused by the machinery is reportedly visible up to a kilometer away from the crossing point. On Monday morning, Stora Enso announced the suspension of all logging activities in Finland at sites subject to protective restrictions, affecting a number of locations. The company stated that it is addressing the situation and acknowledges its financial and environmental responsibilities regarding the Hukkajoki incident.

(via yle.fi)