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Search and rescue efforts ongoing at Breiðamerkurjökull glacier in Iceland following ice cave collapse

Monday 26th 2024 on 13:08 in  

Search and rescue efforts are ongoing in difficult conditions at Breiðamerkurjökull glacier following a recent ice cave collapse that occurred on August 24. A group of 25 individuals was inside the cave when it collapsed, leading to one tourist being declared dead at the scene. Another member of the group was airlifted to Reykjavik and is currently in stable condition. However, two additional tourists are still missing.

Search and rescue operations were paused yesterday evening shortly before midnight and resumed this morning at daylight. Three teams are alternating in the search, working in hour-long shifts. Due to the challenging conditions, much of the operation is being conducted manually, with equipment access proving problematic.

Local authorities are concerned about the risks posed by ice cave tours, highlighting the need for stricter regulations regarding safety measures. Garðar Sigurjónsson, a representative of the Icelandic Mountain Guides Association, has called for an investigation similar to those conducted by transportation accident inquiry boards, noting that current regulations do not enable park authorities to prohibit access to glacier areas.

Around 50 to 60 rescue personnel are now on-site, with more expected as the day progresses. While weather conditions are favorable for search operations, conditions on the glacier remain quite demanding. Rescue teams are carefully managing the safety of their personnel during the complex recovery efforts, which continue into today as they seek to locate the missing individuals.

(via ruv.is)