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Furuborg awaits visa for Australia despite classmates’ approvals

Monday 26th 2024 on 12:54 in  

Sebastian Furuborg, a student at the University of Agder, is still awaiting his visa to Australia to pursue film studies at Bond University. He submitted his visa application on July 12, but has not yet received a response, while his classmates who applied at the same time have received their approvals. Furuborg suspects that his birth in Australia, where his parents were studying at the time, may be causing the delay, despite being a Norwegian citizen.

He has repeatedly contacted Australian authorities for updates but has been informed that processing times can take up to four months. If he does not receive his visa by September 6, he may need to postpone his studies and seek employment for the fall. Fladstad from the University of Agder emphasized that it is the students’ responsibility to submit all necessary documentation early enough for their travels.

With his flight to Australia scheduled for Monday, Furuborg expressed his disappointment, stating that the situation detracts from the excitement of studying abroad. Despite the time difference causing sleepless nights trying to contact Australia, he has been repeatedly told that delays are normal.

Furuborg did not apply for the visa sooner because he required the Confirmation of Enrollment (CoE), which he received at the end of June. The University had initially indicated that processing should take no more than two weeks.

If he does not receive the visa by the deadline, Furuborg may have to work in the fall and start his studies in January instead, potentially delaying his graduation by an additional semester. His preferred scenario, however, is still to study in Australia.

(via nrk.no)