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Authorities investigate destruction of rare freshwater mussels in Suomussalmi

Monday 26th 2024 on 12:18 in  

Authorities in Suomussalmi are piecing together the events surrounding the significant destruction of a population of rare freshwater mussels known as raakku. Tiina Lehmus, the lead investigator and a senior police officer, has informed STT that while the police have a clearer understanding of the situation, they have yet to conduct any interrogations related to the case. Questions regarding accountability and the identities of those responsible remain unresolved.

The incident occurred in Hukkajoki, where it is estimated that thousands of these endangered mussels perished after forestry machinery operated by Stora Enso traversed the riverbed hundreds of times during logging activities. In response, the police are investigating the matter as a suspected severe violation of environmental protection laws.

(via yle.fi)