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Supply of mackerel declines in Faroese waters and Norwegian seas

Monday 26th 2024 on 11:03 in  
Faroe Islands

There is currently a limited supply of mackerel in both Faroese waters and international and Norwegian seas.

Interest in fishing in the Norwegian waters surged dramatically on Friday.

Up to 12 Faroese vessels can operate there simultaneously, with this number receiving approval to enter Norwegian waters.

However, not all vessels participated.

According to the latest figures from Norges sildesalgslag, the fishing company Fagraberg sold 250 tons today, while Gamli Jupiter sold 160 tons. Additionally, Pelagos in Fuglafjørður purchased 445 tons from Arctic Voyager.

On Friday, Gøtunes sold 100 tons to Varðan Pelagic and is currently docked in Tvøroyri.

The agreement concerning mackerel between the Faroe Islands and Norway, as well as Britain, stipulates that mackerel caught by Faroese vessels in Norwegian waters must be sold through or with the approval of Norges sildesalgslag.

(via kvf.fo)