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Governments struggle to reduce antipsychotic medication usage among dementia patients in Sweden

Monday 26th 2024 on 08:08 in  

For years, successive governments have aimed to halve the consumption of antipsychotic medication among individuals with dementia. This goal is one of the three main objectives outlined in the current dementia action plan established in 2016, which is expected to be achieved by 2025. However, despite the political focus on this issue, nearly 17 percent of all dementia patients are prescribed antipsychotic medications without having a psychiatric diagnosis, a percentage that has remained unchanged since the start of the action plan.

The aim to reduce antipsychotic medication usage among dementia patients is underscored by expert concerns regarding the serious side effects these drugs may pose to individuals with dementia. As a result, the lack of progress in this area has drawn criticism from the National Dementia Knowledge Center and the Alzheimer’s Association.

Examining the country’s municipalities reveals significant disparities in the prevalence of antipsychotic medication prescriptions. In some municipalities, less than 10 percent of dementia patients are prescribed the controversial drugs, while in others, the figure exceeds 27 percent. A map is available to indicate the situation in individual home municipalities.

(via dr.dk)