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Deputy mayor Geir Jostein Ørsjødal grows peaches in Inderøy, Norway

Sunday 25th 2024 on 20:54 in  

In Inderøy, Norway, local deputy mayor Geir Jostein Ørsjødal has successfully grown peaches in his garden, hoping to inspire others to embrace fruit cultivation. He believes climate change presents new opportunities for fruit farming in Trøndelag, particularly near the coast. However, local producers are skeptical about the economic viability of peach cultivation in Norway, noting the limited market and lack of a distribution system for peaches.

Despite these challenges, Ørsjødal’s enthusiasm is infectious. This summer, he harvested his first peaches from a tree he planted as a birthday gift for his wife last August. After media coverage of his success, he has received considerable attention. He attributes the fruitful yield to favorable weather conditions, expressing surprise at the abundance of fruit.

Norwegian peaches, while seen as a novelty, are primarily grown in Southern Europe, California, and South Africa. Statistics show that Norway imported 7.2 tons of peaches and nectarines for retail last year. Ørsjødal argues that with adequate rainfall and warmth in the region, Trøndelag could rival more renowned fruit-growing areas, suggesting that farmers should experiment with new fruit varieties alongside traditional crops.

Thorstein Haugstad of Gartnerhallen, the largest supplier of fruits and vegetables in Norway, acknowledges the potential for Norwegian peaches if consumer interest grows. He mentions ongoing trials for selling locally grown apricots, emphasizing the need to increase the demand for domestic produce before expanding production capacity.

With climate change potentially allowing for a longer growing season in Norway, there is cautious optimism about the future of local fruit cultivation amid challenges such as extreme weather events impacting production. Ørsjødal himself is already planning to experiment with nectarines next year, underscoring his commitment to innovative farming practices.

(via nrk.no)