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Finland faces challenges but experts highlight potential for recovery and growth

Sunday 25th 2024 on 16:38 in  

In recent weeks, Finland has faced negative headlines highlighting issues such as rising debt, economic stagnation, low birth rates, and a bleak atmosphere towards immigrants, prompting concerns that skilled professionals may not want to move there. Despite global challenges like climate change, Finnish experts suggest that there is room for optimism regarding the country’s future.

Niku Määttänen, a professor of economics, acknowledges that Finland has faced significant difficulties, attributing part of its economic slump to bad luck, including the rise of competitors like Apple and geopolitical tensions involving Russia. However, he emphasizes that Finland possesses the educational capabilities and stable institutional framework that could allow it to regain economic growth comparable to its Nordic neighbors.

Marika Jalovaara, a professor of demography, points out the exceptional health, longevity, and education levels of the current Finnish population but recognizes the challenges posed by a declining birth rate. Yet, she suggests that a smaller youth population could be an opportunity for enhanced education and employment prospects, potentially leading to a positive cycle of increased family formation and birth rates.

Markku Ollikainen, an expert in climate policy, highlights Finland’s progress in reducing emissions by 43% since 1990 and promotes the idea that the global shift towards renewable energy could facilitate further climate action. He stresses the importance of adapting to climate change, noting the potential for transformative technologies in agriculture and energy sectors.

Collectively, these experts argue that despite current hardships, Finland has a solid foundation for recovery and growth, and that proactive measures can create a more hopeful future.

(via yle.fi)