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Deputy councilor raises concerns over inappropriate behavior in Reykjavík city council

Sunday 25th 2024 on 16:13 in  

A deputy councilor from the Socialist Party has raised concerns over the inappropriate behavior of a councilor from the Alliance Party during a recent meeting of the environment and planning council. The deputy accuses the majority of allowing such conduct to continue, describing it as a clear example of a culture of violence.

Helga Þórðardóttir, who attended the meeting in place of her colleague, reported that several proposals and inquiries from the People’s Party were dismissed by Hjálmar Sveinsson, a councilor from the Alliance. It was stated that Hjálmar commented on the number of proposals submitted and mocked his colleague Kolbrún Baldursdóttir, suggesting the majority had better things to do than discuss matters from a party with only a few votes behind them.

Kolbrún expressed her dissatisfaction, stating, “As the party leader, I find it disappointing that my deputy has to endure this. It’s not the first time this has occurred.” She emphasized that, although she appreciates the support of the Socialist Party, she does not expect any significant action from the chairman’s committee regarding this matter.

Ásta Þ. Skjalddal Guðjónsdóttir, who filed the complaint, noted that this was not the first instance of disrespectful behavior from majority councilors towards the minority. She believes that such conduct constitutes harassment, particularly when it happens repeatedly. “It’s essential to recognize and address these issues,” she stated.

Overall, the situation illustrates ongoing tensions within the Reykjavík city council, raising questions about respect and cooperation among elected officials. The matter has been formally acknowledged, setting the stage for a potential review process.

(via ruv.is)