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Sled dog entrepreneur Tuomas Heikkilä champions sustainability in Inari’s wilderness

Sunday 25th 2024 on 16:03 in  

In the heart of Inari’s wilderness, Tuomas Heikkilä proudly showcases a tattoo of a husky on his neck. This ink has contributed to him earning the nickname “Husky-Tuomas,” a title that also reflects his recent venture as a sled dog entrepreneur. His property hosts dozens of huskies in pens and cages, accompanied by the soothing sounds of a nearby creek and the buzzing of mosquitoes, rather than the usual barking.

Heikkilä spends nearly every hour of his day with his dogs and resides in a small cabin about half a kilometer away from the dog yard, near the Muotkatunturi wilderness. Since moving to Inari, he has lived in various arrangements, including a lavvu—a traditional Sami tent—where he felt a closer connection to nature than in a conventional house. He expresses a certain nostalgia for the lavvu experience, reminiscing about the tranquility it brought.

Born in Helsinki, Heikkilä has a background as an environmental activist. His commitment to sustainability is apparent in his low-impact lifestyle, which includes minimal waste, low energy consumption powered by solar panels, and reliance on firewood for heating. He has a refrigerator he only uses during summer months, and a gasoline generator for emergencies.

His early activism with Greenpeace often took precedence over traditional employment. He has had firsthand experience with significant environmental events, like being part of the Greenpeace crew that measured radioactivity levels off the coast of Fukushima after the nuclear disaster in 2011.

Since then, Heikkilä’s focus has shifted towards sled dog mushing, finding fulfillment in treating his dogs as individuals and ensuring their well-being within a sustainable framework. With 35 huskies under his care, he aims to create a positive experience for both his canine companions and his clients.

(via yle.fi)