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Young man detained after stabbing three teenagers in downtown Reykjavik

Sunday 25th 2024 on 14:23 in  

A young man has been detained by police after allegedly stabbing three other teenagers with a knife in downtown Reykjavik last night. One of the victims has sustained serious injuries. The sequence of events surrounding the attack appears to be clear, as many witnesses were present at the scene.

Grímur Grímsson, chief police officer of the central investigation department for the capital region, stated that the police have a fairly comprehensive picture of the incident, supported by numerous eyewitness testimonies. This type of violent incident is rare in which three individuals have been stabbed at once.

The police received a report of the assault shortly before midnight, indicating that a knife had been used on Skúlagata. The suspect was later arrested at his residence, with all those involved, including the injured, being under the age of 18. Grímur noted that, despite the ongoing investigation being in its early stages, progress is being made.

The attack coincided with Menningarnótt, a local cultural night, which meant that a large number of people were out celebrating. Grímur expressed concern that some bystanders might have been caught up in the chaos, especially considering that families with young children could be nearby just after a fireworks display.

There is a growing perception among police that knives are increasingly being carried when people go out, which is a trend of considerable concern. Grímur emphasized that such incidents are typically random occurrences rather than linked to organized crime. If the perpetrators are determined to be underage, they will be placed in appropriate facilities rather than traditional prison settings.

(via ruv.is)