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Sheep grazing at solar park in Hirvensalmi enhances sustainability in Finland

Sunday 25th 2024 on 13:03 in  

In Hirvensalmi, Finland, Tiina Jokela tends to a flock of 40 sheep that graze in a solar park. This innovative approach helps prevent vegetation from overshadowing the solar panels. While solar agriculture is common in the U.S. and Central Europe, it remains unusual in Finland, though interest is growing.

Jokela initiated this collaboration due to the need for grazing land and reached out to a solar energy company, which quickly approved the partnership. The sheep were brought to the five-hectare solar park in mid-July and have adapted well, finding shelter from both sun and rain beneath the panels. They graze the grass growing between the solar installations during the evenings and nights.

Initially, Jokela had some concerns about the sheep potentially jumping on the panels or chewing on electrical cables, but these worries proved unfounded. “They haven’t caused any trouble at all. This summer has been somewhat of a trial period,” she remarked.

The sheep have ample food, as Jokela has planted additional clover in the pasture and provided them with salt licks, minerals, and water. Regular monitoring ensures their well-being, with a tall fence keeping them safe from external disturbances.

As the summer progresses, plans are already in motion to bring 100 sheep to the solar park next summer. Jokela sees this partnership as an example of how societal efficiency can be improved: “The area generates energy, and the sheep munch on grass that would otherwise be mowed and wasted,” she noted.

Ilja Timonen, project manager for the solar company, expressed satisfaction with the arrangement, noting that the presence of the sheep has increased local wildlife as well. “Nature quickly reclaims its space, and the sheep are helping in that process,” he added.

(via yle.fi)