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Iceland weather update: rain in the north, sunshine in the south

Sunday 25th 2024 on 10:08 in  

Today, northern Iceland is experiencing rain, while the southern part of the country enjoys sunny breaks and mild temperatures. Forecasts indicate a northern wind blowing at speeds of 5 to 13 meters per second, bringing precipitation or drizzle to the northern regions. In the south, dry conditions will prevail, with sunshine expected. Rainfall is expected to diminish in the northern areas later in the afternoon. Temperatures will range from 5 to 15 degrees Celsius, with the warmest conditions in the southernmost parts.

Tomorrow, a small high-pressure ridge will move across the country, resulting in light and variable winds along with mostly clear weather. However, there may be slight precipitation in the northeastern part of the country during the early hours. Daytime temperatures will be between 8 and 15 degrees Celsius. On Tuesday, the eastern and northeastern regions will experience a gentle breeze or a chill, with generally dry conditions. However, winds from the north are expected to increase on Wednesday, bringing rain to the eastern half of the country.

(via ruv.is)