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Surge in property listings recorded in Sweden as August closes

Sunday 25th 2024 on 09:38 in  

The final weekends of August are crucial for both sellers and buyers in the real estate market, as September is typically the month with the highest number of transactions. According to a real estate researcher with 14 years of experience, this period allows agents to gauge recent trends and demand fluctuations.

Last week, nearly 60,000 properties were listed for sale in Sweden, excluding new constructions, marking the highest number since records began in 2014. This surge in inventory is attributed to a slower sales process, which now takes an average of four weeks from listing to contract signing—essentially double the time from peak market conditions. Nonetheless, Sweden still experiences faster sales than many other European countries.

The extended selling times are connected to a noticeable shift in seller behavior; many now prefer to sell their property before purchasing a new one. Historically, two-thirds of prospective buyers aimed to buy first, but the trend has reversed due to increased caution and stricter lending criteria. This change means that sellers are less pressured and can hold out for better prices, contributing to the lengthened selling periods.

Recent indications suggest a balance in the power dynamics between buyers and sellers. Sales have increased significantly in 2024, reflecting successful negotiations between the two parties. Furthermore, rising prices contribute to a more optimistic view of the market.

(via svt.se)