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Flooding devastates homes in Húsavík as residents seek recovery support

Saturday 24th 2024 on 20:28 in  

In Húsavík, a resident expressed their shock after experiencing severe flooding in their home. Erlendur Guðni Karlsson, a local from Skálabrekka, stated, “I was just speechless and couldn’t quite form the right words.” He, along with others in the area, chose not to stay in their houses overnight due to water and mud entering their properties.

Erlendur praised the response from emergency services, noting that the authorities effectively deepened a channel that diverted water away from homes. “They were incredibly good and helpful while working in the garden,” he remarked, emphasizing the support provided during the crisis.

When asked about the extent of the damage to his home, Erlendur found it difficult to assess. “There is probably a bit of damage under the floor in the living room. You can see that a little water is still flowing underneath.” The flooding has raised concerns about potential structural issues, as the impact on residents’ homes continues to unfold.

Local officials are now focused on recovery efforts while residents cope with the aftermath of this unexpected weather event.

(via ruv.is)