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FÍN members prepare for strike actions over wage negotiations in Iceland

Saturday 24th 2024 on 17:28 in  

A significant portion of the members of the Association of Icelandic Natural Scientists (FÍN) are prepared to initiate strike actions if their demands in ongoing wage negotiations are not met. This conclusion comes from a survey conducted by the association, which was discussed at a recent meeting, where 461 members participated.

Maríanna Helgadóttir, the chairperson of FÍN, expressed that it is unacceptable for the association to be offered the same terms that other labor unions, such as Efling and ASÍ, have received. She highlighted that the general market has dictated the terms of the negotiations between unions of highly educated individuals and the government, leading to predetermined conditions regarding wage increases for university-educated employees in the public sector.

Helgadóttir indicated that the current offer does not meet the association’s expectations, which are higher than the proposed 6.5% increase. A mere 17% of members are willing to accept a four-year agreement on the proposed terms. With the competition in the labor market being substantial, it has become evident that the value of higher education has not been adequately recognized.

FÍN represents one of the largest unions of university-educated professionals, and following recent agreements made in the general labor market, Helgadóttir noted that many highly educated individuals feel they have been left behind in salary development over recent years. The association remains firm in its stance, and indications suggest that strike action is a likely recourse if negotiations do not yield satisfactory results.

(via ruv.is)