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Maria Lorentsen confronts stigma surrounding suicide through podcast series in Norway

Saturday 24th 2024 on 15:13 in  

Five years ago, Maria Lorentsen lost her mother to suicide, leaving her with a multitude of unanswered questions and a heavy burden of shame. Just days after the tragedy, the then 25-year-old Lorentsen began recording her experiences to document her journey, keep her mother’s memory alive, and speak out about what had happened.

Now 31, Lorentsen confronts the family’s privacy and societal taboos surrounding her mother’s suicide through her podcast series, “Marias Arv.” The media has traditionally handled suicide with extreme caution, fearing that discussing it could encourage imitators. However, research from suicide prevention experts indicates that it is not the act of discussing suicide that is harmful, but rather irresponsible media portrayals that can lead vulnerable individuals to take similar actions.

In December 2023, new ethical guidelines were introduced for reporting on suicide, emphasizing a more considerate approach while acknowledging the need for public dialogue on the issue.

Despite the sensitivity surrounding the topic, Lorentsen has experienced an overwhelmingly positive response since releasing her podcast. Many, including other media outlets and support organizations, have expressed gratitude for her openness, viewing her storytelling as a liberating act for other survivors of suicide.

In the fall of 2018, Lorentsen’s mother, Kirsten, 63, who had been active and engaged in life, underwent a routine cosmetic surgery that led to severe complications. Her decline into depression prompted a crisis that culminated in her taking her own life, a moment that profoundly affected Lorentsen and her family.

The podcast series explores the aftermath of this tragedy, family dynamics, and the importance of addressing mental health openly to alleviate the stigma surrounding suicide.

(via dr.dk)