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Students enroll in new Bachelor’s program in journalism at University of Iceland

Saturday 24th 2024 on 08:49 in  

Approximately 20 students began a new Bachelor’s program in journalism at the University of Iceland this week. This program provides students not only with coursework but also opportunities for internships with various media outlets in the country, and plans are in place for exchange programs with other universities. The number of applicants exceeded available spots, as stated on the government’s website. Minister of Culture and Business Lilja Dögg Alfreðsdóttir expressed her excitement about the establishment of the program. The previous Master’s program in journalism has been discontinued.

The government is financially supporting this educational pathway by funding a position within the Department of Political Science at the university for the first three years, in consultation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. This initiative is part of a proposed media policy aimed to be presented to Parliament this autumn. Minister Alfreðsdóttir emphasized that the program would strengthen Icelandic media and ensure the foundations of democracy. She noted that professionalism enhances public trust in the media, which has a crucial role in combating misinformation and fake news.

(via ruv.is)