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Road compromised near Lónseyri in Ísafjarðardjúp following heavy rainfall

Saturday 24th 2024 on 02:28 in  

The road leading through Kaldalón in northern Ísafjarðardjúp has been compromised on the hillside near Lónseyri. The situation is particularly severe at the junction leading to Lónseyri, where many summer cottages are situated. Heavy rainfall has affected the area significantly.

The road began to deteriorate on August 6, when the Mórilla River overflowed its banks, causing damage further in Lón. Fortunately, it appears that this particular section of the road is not at risk of collapse at this time. Recent weather conditions have brought substantial rainfall today and into the evening, with more precipitation ongoing.

Eyþór Atli Hrafnkelsson, who is currently in Unaðsdal, reports observing water and streams flowing down the hillside to the road, with erosion occurring at three different locations. He noted that traffic on the road is minimal due to the inclement weather, despite the area being a popular destination for tourists. A well-traveled hiking route to Drangajökull lies at the inlet of the fjord.

Eyþór plans to assess the situation further in the morning but does not rule out the possibility of a landslide affecting the road.

(via ruv.is)