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Diesel prices in Sweden drop to lowest level in three years as gasoline costs also decline

Friday 23rd 2024 on 16:48 in  

Following the recent reduction, the price of a liter of diesel in Sweden is nearing 17 kronor, the lowest in three years. Gasoline prices are also on the decline. The lowered reduction obligation, along with falling oil prices and a stronger Swedish krona, has contributed to Sweden having some of the lowest fuel prices in Western Europe today.

Motor journalist Jan-Erik Berggren predicts that these low prices will persist in the short term. However, for those looking to purchase a diesel vehicle, it might become a more expensive option. “Demand for used diesel cars remains quite stable, but the supply of new cars is decreasing, which could result in higher prices for used vehicles,” he commented.

Berggren further noted that while low fuel costs are beneficial, they come at a price—namely, the EU’s quota requirement. “We are accumulating a debt to the EU due to our excessive emissions from fossil-fuel vehicles,” he explained. He anticipates that increased taxes will be necessary to address this debt. “We will need to pay off this debt somehow by 2030, and it may not bode well that we have emitted more during these years.”

(via svt.se)