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Finnish individuals voice concerns over government plans to open gambling market to foreign online casinos

Friday 23rd 2024 on 16:18 in  

People suffering from gambling addiction are questioning the Finnish government’s desire to open the country’s gambling market to foreign online casinos. “I fear that the gambling problem will explode as a result,” says former football player and ex-gambling addict Pele Koljonen. Koljonen is among many individuals sharing their stories in Anssi Koskinen’s nonfiction book “Gambling and Despair,” which depicts a grim picture of people whose lives have been consumed by gambling, leading to financial devastation and broken relationships.

Niko Wirtanen describes a hopeless situation where he even contemplated suicide. He believes that if foreign casinos are allowed to advertise in Finland, the gambling problem will worsen significantly. The government justifies the proposed legislation by claiming it aims to reduce gambling-related harm, allowing players to block access to licensed companies through a registration system. However, Koskinen doubts the effectiveness of the draft law, asserting that it will exacerbate, rather than reduce, gambling issues.

The new law would also restrict unlicensed gambling offerings and advertising through payment transaction bans, but the Financial Supervisory Authority is skeptical, noting that existing bans have not been effectively enforced, as gambling companies easily circumvent them. Licensed companies will be allowed to advertise their games in Finland as long as they comply with local regulations and pay taxes.

Professor Juho Joutsa from the University of Turku highlights that advertising can ignite addictive impulses, leading to more serious gambling problems. Koljonen recalls how even an email from a casino was enough to entice him back into gambling. Currently debt-laden, he struggles to pay off loans but remains optimistic due to a supportive network.

Wirtanen, who began playing at a young age, now works in construction and helps others with gambling problems. He asserts that recognizing the issue is essential for recovery. Koskinen, who also battled gambling addiction, emphasizes that acknowledging the problem to loved ones is a crucial first step in overcoming it.

(via yle.fi)