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MTK-Satakunta and Finnish Hunters’ Association urge legal hunting of wolves in Southwestern Finland

Friday 23rd 2024 on 14:48 in  

MTK-Satakunta and the Satakunta branch of the Finnish Hunters’ Association are urgently advocating for the legal right to hunt wolves. The organizations have issued a joint statement expressing their concerns. They believe that due to a lack of hunting, wolves have become increasingly bold around Säkylä, Kokemäki, and Huittinen, turning into a safety threat for local residents.

The wolf population has been growing in southwestern Finland. In response, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has established a working group to assess the need for hunting. MTK-Satakunta and the regional hunters’ association are pushing for the group’s actions, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.

They argue that Finnish legislation should mirror that of Sweden, which clearly defines a favorable population level for wolves. They propose that any numbers exceeding this level should be subject to region-specific hunting permits.

The conversation surrounding the wolf population in Southwestern Finland has been ongoing for over a decade, with the wolf population increasingly concentrated in Western Finland in recent years.

(via yle.fi)