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Forestry machine operator charged with environmental violations after incident in Suomussalmi

Friday 23rd 2024 on 14:33 in  

According to Markus Seppänen, a trainer for forestry machine operators, it is legally required for these machines to be equipped with a map and guidelines indicating hazard areas, important environmental considerations, and site boundaries. The machines are also fitted with an alert system that warns if the operator enters an unauthorized area.

The issue of responsibility among forestry machine operators has gained attention following an incident in Suomussalmi, where an operator repeatedly drove over the clear waters of Hukkajoki, resulting in the deaths of several critically endangered freshwater pearl mussels, known as raaku. The incident also caused some raaku to perish due to mud, sand, and logging debris that ended up in the river. The Oulu police are investigating the case, with the suspect facing charges of severe environmental violations.

Seppänen emphasizes that understanding environmental aspects is a fundamental part of forestry professionals’ training. For instance, if the guidelines dictate driving in a restricted area, the operator must stop the machine to assess the situation. He mentions that if the driver notices negative impacts, they are obliged to report it.

Janne Partanen, forest manager at Stora Enso, also addressed the situation, stating that the company has clear operating guidelines for the environments where raaku exist, and the operator should have been aware of them. He admitted that the company’s protocol had failed in this case and that they are now investigating how the incident occurred.

Seppänen expressed his deep concern over the incident, stating it brings significant distress to the field, highlighting the necessity of maintaining a positive reputation and avoiding environmental destruction. He believes that forestry, nature management, and conservation should work in harmony.

(via yle.fi)