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Student absences raise concerns for schools in Rusko, Finland

Friday 23rd 2024 on 14:13 in  

The high number of student absences is raising concerns for the principals of two schools in Rusko, a small municipality near Turku. During the pandemic, absenteeism surged significantly and has not returned to pre-COVID levels. A recent change in basic education law mandates that schools monitor and address student absences.

Students are missing school for various reasons, including illness, extracurricular activities, and family matters, but a notable cause for absences in Rusko is vacations taken outside designated school holiday periods. Jyrki Anttila, the principal of Hiidenvainio and Kirkonkylä schools, reports approving 25 vacation requests this autumn, each lasting from one to two weeks. In Rusko, only absences over five days require a principal’s approval, while shorter breaks can be approved by teachers.

Typically, traveling abroad is more expensive during school holiday periods, such as autumn and winter breaks. Anttila speculates whether the reason for off-peak trips is financial or a lack of regard for education, expressing hope that it is a financial concern and that families still value schooling.

Absenteeism in Rusko schools totaled over 30,000 hours pre-pandemic, peaking at 70,000 hours during COVID-19, with current figures at around 60,000 hours. The municipality aims to reduce this by 20 percent during the current academic year. Rusko has three primary schools and one upper secondary school.

Discussions regarding long absences are held with parents if a child faces learning challenges, but vacation requests are generally approved. Anttila notes that while vacations are vital for children’s well-being, falling behind in education can create a significant challenge. In neighboring Turku, student absences are finally declining, although trips abroad among multilingual families have increased slightly.

(via yle.fi)