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Absenteeism concerns rise at schools in Ruskola, Finland as vacation requests surge

Friday 23rd 2024 on 14:13 in  

The increasing absenteeism rates at two schools in Ruskola have raised concerns among their principals. In this small community near Turku, student absences escalated significantly during the pandemic and have yet to return to pre-COVID levels. According to a change in basic education law, schools are now required to monitor and address student absences.

Students miss school for various reasons, including illnesses, extracurricular activities, and family matters. However, a notable cause of absenteeism in Ruskola is vacations taken outside designated school breaks. Principal Jyrki Anttila of Hiidenvainio and Kirkonkylä schools states that he has approved 25 vacation requests this autumn, lasting between one to two weeks. In Ruskola, only absences exceeding five days require the principal’s approval, while shorter ones can be authorized by teachers.

Traveling abroad during school holidays tends to be more expensive, often leading families to opt for trips during regular school terms. When asked whether the reason for taking vacations outside school holidays is financial or a disregard for education, Anttila expressed a hope that finances are the main concern, emphasizing the continued value placed on education.

Currently, absenteeism in Ruskola schools totals around 60,000 hours, a decrease from a peak of 70,000 hours during the pandemic. The municipality aims to reduce this by 20% during the current academic year. Discussions with parents regarding the implications of long absences are taking place when a student faces learning challenges, though vacation requests are routinely approved. Long absences can significantly impact a student’s academic progress, raising concerns about retention of knowledge, especially for bilingual families.

(via yle.fi)