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Residents protest against persistent odor issues linked to waste management at Loviisa harbor in Finland

Friday 23rd 2024 on 13:58 in  

Residents of the Valko neighborhood in Loviisa have been facing persistent odor and fly issues linked to waste being imported for energy production since 2021. The waste is stored in bales at the harbor, releasing a strong smell described by local resident Kalervo Pellikka as “the smell of death.” Since May 2023, Pellikka and others have reported that the odor has worsened, making outdoor gatherings unbearable, as noted by residents who attempted a Mother’s Day lunch this May but were driven indoors due to the smell.

On August 12, residents protested outside the harbor in response to the ongoing issues, presenting a petition to city officials and escalating their complaints to the Uusimaa Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment. The Loviisa harbor management attributed the odor to specific waste bales containing untreated food waste and stated that these bales normally should be shipped out within 1-2 days. This summer, disruptions in waste processing led to delays in removal.

Vantaan Energia, the major waste operator in Loviisa, acknowledged the odor issues but insisted they were not responsible for the retention of waste in the harbor. Operations typically do not involve storing waste at the harbor, but due to technical problems, some has been held longer than usual.

Fortum, another energy company involved, is planning to remove its bales from the harbor by autumn. City officials are monitoring the situation closely, as they reported receiving numerous complaints from residents about the foul smell and fly infestation, emphasizing the need for solutions that reconcile waste management with local quality of life.

(via yle.fi)