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Crown Prince’s son charged with assault and vandalism in Norway

Friday 23rd 2024 on 12:54 in  

Crown Prince’s son has been charged with assault, vandalism, and threats. The expanded charges stem from phone calls on August 4, the day he was arrested.

His defense attorney, Øyvind Bratlien, stated that his client has not yet responded to the new allegations, but this will be addressed in an upcoming police interview scheduled for next week.

In a separate incident, police announced that he is also under investigation for the theft of a scooter. On August 7, he was reported for scooter theft, classified as unauthorized possession of property. Police emphasized the need for a thorough investigation into both cases due to their serious nature.

The victim in the initial assault case was interviewed on Thursday, confirming that the charges arose from the conversations between her and Høiby. Her attorney, Mette Yvonne Larsen, noted that the interview lasted three hours and that the victim provided detailed accounts of the events. The session was concluded as it grew late, with further interviews planned.

Høiby faces previous allegations of violence and vandalism, and police reports indicate he was apprehended after a reported incident of violence at an apartment in Frogner. The log details of his arrest show a series of police interactions, leading to his capture.

Additionally, after the public disclosure of his charges, two former girlfriends, Julianne Snekkestad and Nora Haukland, alleged they too were victims of physical and psychological abuse during their relationships with him. Investigations into these claims are ongoing, but Høiby has not been formally charged in these cases.

(via nrk.no)