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Survey reveals municipal priorities in Faroe Islands ahead of elections

Friday 23rd 2024 on 12:03 in  
Faroe Islands

A recent survey conducted by Kringvarp Føroya reveals the priorities of residents in the Faroe Islands regarding local government issues ahead of upcoming municipal elections. The survey asked respondents to identify up to four areas they believe should receive higher prioritization by their municipalities.

The results indicate that 37% of participants think roads and footpaths should be prioritized, followed closely by 32% advocating for improved conditions for the elderly, and 26% prioritizing support for children and youth.

Participants were also asked to rate their satisfaction with various municipal services, including childcare, elderly care, and education. Kvívík Municipality scored the highest in terms of satisfaction with childcare services, succeeded by Sørvágs, Sjóvar, and Sunda municipalities. Conversely, residents of Viðareiðis Municipality expressed the least satisfaction with childcare, with Sumbiar and Hvannasund municipalities also reporting low satisfaction levels. Tórshavnar Municipality ranks fourth from the bottom in this regard.

Respondents rated their satisfaction on a scale from 1 (very satisfied) to 7 (very dissatisfied), and these responses were converted into a score ranging from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating better evaluations from citizens.

Additionally, the survey explored residents’ perceptions of their municipality’s reputation in the community. Notably, respondents from Eystur Municipality and Nes Municipality believe their local governments enjoy a good reputation, while residents of Tvøroyri, Sands, and Skopunar municipalities reported less favorable views regarding their reputation.

Approximately 3,000 Faroese residents from all 29 municipalities participated in this survey conducted by Lóður for Kringvarp Føroya.

(via kvf.fo)