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Passengers witness volcanic eruption over Reykjanes Peninsula as flight lands at Keflavík Airport

Friday 23rd 2024 on 02:23 in  

The flight into Keflavík Airport on August 22, 2024, presented a stunning view for passengers as it passed over a volcanic eruption that began at the Sundhnúkur crater group shortly before 9 PM.

Footage captured by a journalist onboard a plane from London reveals that reactions among international travelers were genuine, with many likely witnessing a volcanic eruption for the first time.

Geological activity on the Reykjanes Peninsula has led to increased seismic events, but experts have indicated that it is currently unlikely that the nearby town of Grindavík is in danger. The eruption, originating from a fissure about four kilometers long, does not pose any immediate threat to the community.

As the situation develops, authorities have declared a state of emergency due to the impending lava flow. Although the eruption is substantial, ongoing monitoring suggests that the effects will primarily be localized.

Scientists are actively studying this phenomenon to better understand the processes behind volcanic activity and aging in geological formations. With the airspace around the area now attracting significant attention, local residents and visitors are urged to stay informed and follow any guidelines issued by authorities.

Overall, the event showcases not only the dramatic natural beauty of Iceland but also the complexities and mysteries of the Earth’s geological behavior.

(via ruv.is)