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Sarek National Park poses risks for unprepared hikers in Sweden

Thursday 22nd 2024 on 23:08 in  

In Sarek, there are only a few emergency phones, no marked hiking trails, and no overnight lodges, making it a challenging destination for hikers. “You have to be self-sufficient if you venture there,” says wilderness enthusiast Peter Persson.

One of his key recommendations for potential hikers is not to rely on mobile phone coverage, which can be unreliable in the area. “It’s better to carry a small emergency transmitter,” he advises.

Sarek National Park, located in Sweden, offers breathtaking landscapes but poses significant risks for unprepared adventurers. Visitors are encouraged to come equipped with proper gear and knowledge of the terrain before embarking on their journeys.

For those planning an expedition to this remote wilderness, being well-informed and self-reliant is crucial for a safe and enjoyable experience.

(via svt.se)