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Generation Z alters workplace dynamics as companies adapt to new expectations in Denmark

Thursday 22nd 2024 on 21:03 in  

Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2010, is entering the workforce with distinct demands and expectations compared to their predecessors. Known colloquially as “zoomers” or “curling kids,” they seek closer, more equitable relationships at work, along with ample recognition and feedback.

Uffe Lyngaae, a 51-year-old director at communications firm Publico, has reflected on these changing dynamics and has stepped down from his role as head of personnel, transferring responsibilities to someone he believes is better suited for leadership. He acknowledges it took him time to recognize that modern management requires different skills than those he possessed.

Lyngaae established his company in 2001, initially leading staff primarily from the 1980s generation, where his management style garnered positive feedback. His approach involved minimal interference in daily tasks, promoting an open-door policy for support. However, he has realized that the needs of younger generations have evolved, particularly after a recent experience with a younger employee exiting the company.

Gen Z’s workplace habits are notably influenced by their education, which emphasized collaboration, dialogue, and feedback. This contrasts with older generations who often focused solely on final results. Gen Z members demand rapid personal and professional development and don’t hesitate to ask what their employer can provide, even early in their careers.

Lyngaae’s successor, Liv Solberg Andersen, is prioritizing one-on-one discussions to understand employee needs better. She believes that for many employees, feeling acknowledged as an individual is crucial. Ultimately, balancing organizational goals with individual employee needs will be key to success.

(via dr.dk)