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Swedish government announces 60 billion kronor investment to boost household finances and economy

Thursday 22nd 2024 on 20:08 in  

On Thursday, the Swedish government announced plans to invest 60 billion kronor in upcoming reforms aimed at boosting household finances and revitalizing the economy. Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson interpreted these moves as potential income tax cuts.

Economic reactions have varied. Sven-Olov Daunfeldt, chief economist at Svenskt Näringsliv, expressed optimism, stating that the government’s approach signifies a commitment to expansive fiscal policies in light of challenging economic conditions. He highlighted the importance of eliminating growth-inhibiting taxes, suggesting the removal of the gradual reduction of the job tax deduction and further tax cuts for low-income earners.

Conversely, the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) was less enthusiastic about the scale of the proposed investment. Chief economist Torbjörn Hållö argued that a more appropriate reform allocation would be closer to 100 billion kronor, given Sweden’s low growth, high unemployment, and minimal inflation.

Overall, the government’s announcement has prompted a range of responses from various economic stakeholders, reflecting differing perspectives on the efficacy and scale of the proposed fiscal measures.

(via svt.se)